The Hunger Games takes place in a nation known as Panem, established in North America after the destruction of the continent's civilization by an unknown apocalyptic event. The hunger game is a television show where 24 children fight amongst each other to death and last survivor wins. The story revolves around a responsible teenager named Katniss Everdeen who sacrifices her life for her sister and is forced to participate in The Hunger Games. In an interview with Collins, it was noted that the novel "tackles issues like severe poverty, starvation, oppression, and the effects of war among others." The novel deals with the struggle for self-preservation that the people of Panem face in their districts and the Hunger Games in which they must participate. The citizens' starvation and their need for resources, both in and outside of the arena, create an atmosphere of helplessness that the main characters try to overcome in their fight for survival.
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